The idea came to my mind when I had seen huge unfinished building in Tbilisi where construction works were abandoned. I associate the building to our past and thought that in those days they started building of our nation without definite and long-term plan and then they abandoned us. That’s why I decided to take series of photographs. I chose the room in the building for my intention to express what the blind belief can do. It’s easy for faith to change its real face and transfer into blindness and idolatry. The best example of this is the history of the Soviet Union in where faith of God was substituted by faith of the Leader, Stalin in that case. But after collapsing of the Union we know that the faith of Leader took back the faith of God. And still it was not the end of the story. The faith of God at last was metamorphosed into the faith of Russia and Double-Headed Eagle is representation of it.
Faith- Blind faith - Blind faith of leader - Fear of blind faith of leader - Leaving blind faith of leader - Staying alone and turning back - Turning back blind faith - Blind faith of Government Leader - Metamorphosis